Jaguar Cub, Brown, 6.5" L, Endangered

Sale price$23.90


7288, Jaguar Cub, Brown from Hansa Creations U.S.A, Each lifelike sculpture and plush creation captures the essence of these remarkable creatures, transporting you to the heart of the savannah. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, a collector, or simply seeking to infuse your surroundings with the allure of the safari, HANSA Creation USA's Realistic Safari Animal Collection offers a captivating opportunity to appreciate the beauty and diversity of Africa's iconic wildlife. Choose from our exquisite creations to bring the magic of the African plains into your home or to share the wonder of the safari with those who admire these extraordinary animals.

Jaguars are some of the most beautiful and mysterious big cats in the world, but few people know much about them. World Animal Protection wants to put that right.

1. Jaguars are the third largest cats in the world

Jaguars are “big” cats packed into a smaller form factor. They’re the largest cat in the Americas and are the third largest cat in the world, no taller than a meter, making them powerful but relatively compact compared to lions and tigers.

2. Jaguars were revered by Mesoamerican civilizations

Temple of the Great Jaguar, located in Guatemala, is located in one of the largest cities and archaeological sites of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization.  In Ancient Indigenous communities jaguars were one of the most revered animals. Every major Mesoamerican civilization had a jaguar god, many of which were important parts of their religion viewing jaguars as symbols of strength and power.

3. Jaguar spots are unique

The coloration of jaguars is one of their more interesting and unique characteristics. Jaguars can be tawny, reddish to chocolate brown, or completely black.

Jaguars have huge eyes, the largest of all carnivores relative to head size. The eyes of jaguars have round pupils and irises that range in color from golden to reddish-yellow. Very young cubs have blue eyes.

Learning to tell jaguars apart from other big cats is easy. They have beautiful tan and orange fur covered with black spots known as rosettes.

These rosettes are different from the spots on any other cat. Each rosette is a jagged circle that makes up an outer ring with a single black spot in the middle.

Other spotted cats have the ring characterising the rosettes, but none have the central spot of the jaguar.

4. Jaguars love swimming

As opportunistic ambush predators, jaguars aren’t well-suited to large open spaces. Instead, they’re typically found in rainforests and wetlands. Approximately half of the world’s population of jaguars live in Brazil.

The rest can be found in Mexico and Central and South America, including northern Argentina.

8. Jaguars are fast

Cheetahs are the first to come to mind when you think of fast runners in the animal kingdom. Jaguars can’t quite reach the 70 miles per hour of the cheetah, but they reach a very respectable 50mph making them the second-fastest big cats in the world. They also have an impressive ability to jump and climb when necessary.

9. Jaguars aren’t fussy eaters

Jaguars are carnivores, like all other cats. On land, they will commonly hunt deer, capybaras, and tapirs. And they’re just as comfortable in the water, seeking out fish, turtles, and caiman (small alligators) to meet their appetite.

Unlike most domestic cats, jaguars are excellent swimmers and love the water. They can fully submerge and dive in pursuit of prey if needed and won’t hesitate to attack prey animals in the water.

5. Jaguars look after their cubs

Jaguars don’t have big litters. They typically have two cubs at one time (though they can have up to four). The cubs are born completely helpless and blind. They remain with their mother for two years as they grow and learn to hunt and take care of themselves.

Jaguars are sentient beings, meaning they think and feel and have personalities and needs of their own. The breakthrough research and studies of animals' feelings and emotions show how the life of a wild animal, like a jaguar, is mentally and physically better in the wild with its cubs.

6. Jaguars are exploited for commercial purposes

Jaguars aren’t some of the most endangered animals in the world, but that doesn’t mean that the species is thriving. With only around 173,000 jaguars left in the wild, they’re considered “near threatened”. Regardless of their status, jaguars should not be exploited for any commercial purposes. They are wildlife and deserve a life in the wild.

7. Jaguars live primarily in the rainforest

As opportunistic hunters, however, they will prey on almost any animal they come across.

These techniques and their incredible bite power allows them to dispatch prey as large as cows.

10. Jaguars are crepuscular

Most of us think of animals as being either diurnal or nocturnal, but jaguars don’t fit into this pattern. They can be active either during the day or at night.

In fact, jaguars are considered crepuscular and nocturnal, meaning they’re most active during dusk and dawn. These are the times when they’re most likely to be hunting. That said, it’s also common to find them hunting during the day.

11. Jaguars travel long distances

Jaguars can regularly travel over six miles per day in search of food. They’re solitary animals, marking their territory and only getting together with others to mate. Males do not remain with females to avoid the risk of infanticide.

Where space allows, jaguars can have territories of up to 54 square miles.

Product Dimensions:  6.63 × 4.29 × 5.85 in

Embark on an unforgettable journey through the wilds of Africa with HANSA Creation USA's Realistic Safari Animal Collection. Our skilled artisans have masterfully crafted a stunning array of safari animals, from the majestic lions and graceful giraffes to the exotic zebras and playful elephants.


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