• High play value – Folkmanis puppets offer very high “play-value”, in that the toy may be played with in a variety of ways and is not limited in its application.
  • Open-ended play pattern – Folkmanis puppets, with designs based on nature and fantasy, allow kids to imagine any character or enact any scenario they dream.
  • Encourages interaction between caregiver & child – Puppets inspire expression, interaction, and cooperation, and can help the child develop social skills through playfully engaging with parents or peers.
  • Can be a play-alone toy – As a versatile vehicle of the child’s imagination, puppets can provide solo entertainment, as the child enacts favorite stories, fantasy play, or processes reactions to current events in their lives.
  • Engages child in expressive action, rather than passive spectator role – children gain confidence in their ability to positively affect their world, as “players on the stage of life.” The pro-active nature of puppetry helps them explore the power of cause and effect, make visible their dreams, victories, and fears, and to make tangible all the characters from their inner life.